Loving people - are you too?

Then come and join us! Menschenlieb is more than a job portal for nursing professions at Pflegedienst Lilienthal. Menschenlieb is an inner attitude, a declaration of love for the nursing profession and the willingness to rethink and develop nursing structures in all areas.

Shaping the future of care here and now

Job offers


ambulant ab sofort in Voll- oder Teilzeit Bremen-Borgfeld

QuereinsteigerIn in die Pflege

ambulant ab sofort in Teilzeit Lilienthal

Generalistische Ausbildung Pflegefachleute

ambulant & stationär ab 01.08.2025 in Vollzeit Alle Standorte

Pflegehilfskraft / Pflegeassistent

stationär ab sofort in Voll- oder Teilzeit Ritterhude

Praxisanleiter*in (m/w/d)

ambulant ab sofort in Voll- oder Teilzeit Alle Standorte

Pflegehilfskraft / Pflegeassistent

ambulant ab sofort in Voll- oder Teilzeit Osterholz Scharmbeck

What the colleagues say

People and facts

"It's easy to sit down on policy talk shows and use platitudes that are far from reality and don't improve the day-to-day work of nursing today or in the future."

The concept of „Menschenlieb“